Can my employer dismiss me because I'm pregnant?

If your employer dismisses you because of your pregnancy you could make a claim to an Employment Tribunal for automatic unfair dismissal (regardless of how long you have been employed) and also for pregnancy discrimination.
You would need to be able to show an Employment Tribunal that the main reason for your dismissal was your pregnancy. You will need specialist help to do this and may wish to make an appointment at one of our bureaux or at one of our Employment Clinics

You have additional employment rights as soon as you are pregnant, therefore it is wise to tell your employer that you are pregnant as soon as possible.  This will also mean that their duty to protect you and your baby within the workplace commences. 
For more information about pregnancy and redundancy see here

For more information about maternity rights in the workplace, see Parental rights at work.

For information about dismissal, see Dismissal.



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