Ways to Help
As an individual, family or business… there are lots of ways you can help us
Every year thousands of people turn to Citizens Advice Edinburgh for help and advice – and we make a difference.
We assist with over 27,000 enquiries each year, and our volunteers give over 80,000 hours of unpaid time to help others across Edinburgh.
We are a charity and charge nothing for our services. We rely on grants and donations to survive.
Perhaps you, a friend, colleague or family member has used our service to seek help with sorting out a problem and you would now like to help us in return.
As an individual or family you can:
Donate professional expertise – e.g. fundraising, accountancy, marketing
Become a Trustee
As a business or organisation you can:
Make a donation – information here
Become a supporter
Work in partnership with us on specific projects
Sponsor in-house advisers in your organisation
Include our name on your staff charity lists (e.g. Charity of the Year)
Provide us with use of assets e.g. office space, meeting/conference space
Donate stationery e.g. paper, pens
Pass on computers or office equipment
Provide IT or admin support
Encourage your staff to volunteer with CAE
Become a Trustee
If you are interested in supporting us in any of these ways - or would like to discuss working with us - please use our online form to contact us for more information.
We would be delighted to hear from you!