What to bring for your appointment
It’s always best to bring as many documents as you can with you, so that our advisers are able to help you.
Click on the options below to get a list of relevant documents that might be useful.
Details of your income (wage slips, benefit and tax credit award letters, pensions etc.)
Details of all those that you owe money to (creditors) and recent letters from them
Copies of original loan agreements, where available
Copies of any Court papers
Details of household expenditure/bills (food, utilities, etc)
Recent bank statements
Tenancy agreement/letters from your landlord
Notice to leave/quit
Rent increase notice/any other correspondence
Mortgage details (if applicable)
Title deeds (for owner occupiers)
Proof of income
Wage slips/benefits details
Employment contract
Details of any disciplinary/grievance/dismissal issues
Any recent letters from employers
Staff handbook
Copies of employment tribunal applications (if relevant)
Proof of income
Wage Slips/benefit/tax credit/details
Full details of the goods or services causing the problem
Copies of any contracts/credit agreement
Any recent letters in connection with the problem
Proof of purchase
Proof of income
Wage slips/benefit/tax credit/details
All letters from Home Office
Passport (if applicable)
Details of any visas or permits
Proof of income/NASS support
Wage slips/benefit/tax/credit/details
Any paperwork/letters relating to the issue
Copies of original agreements
Proof of income
Wage Slips/benefit/tax credit/details
All letters from Department for Work and Pensions (DWP
Decision letters that you are not happy with or wish to challenge – this is essential
Proof of income: wage slips/benefit/tax credit/details
Bank Statement (latest copy)
Details of any savings
Tenancy Agreement/Mortgage details
If you would like us to check that you are receiving the benefits and tax credits to which you are entitled, please bring the following information for everyone living in your home.
Dates of birth
Employment status (employed or self employed)
Number of hours worked
Gross income from employment for last tax year – April 6 to April5 (A P60 form will provide this or if self employed, last year’s accounts)
Gross income for this year. Payslip is preferred. Estimate if self employed
If you are receiving benefits at present, please bring all the benefit award letters
Child care costs. Please bring something to show that the carer is fully approved along with how much you pay them.
Investment income. Details of investments and latest interest payments. Bank statements may be the best way to show this.
Rental agreement or current mortgage repayment
Council tax bill
Any paperwork, letters, correspondence relating to the issue.