Housing Advice for Scotland & Edinburgh
Welcome to our Housing Hub section! Focused on Scotland, especially Edinburgh, we provide practical tips, templates, and guidance on renting, repairs, disputes, and homelessness. Explore the topics below.
Edinburgh Council - homeless emergency out of hours: freephone 0800 032 5968/local rate 0131 200 2000
Edinburgh Council’s homelessness support (Housing Option Team): 0131 529 7125
Smell Gas? Scottish Gas Networks Tel: 0800 111 999
Locked Out? Red Circle Locks Tel: 07759 422 566
Report Antisocial Behaviour City of Edinburgh Council Tel: 0131 529 7168
Concern for Child Safety Social Care Direct Tel: 0131 200 2324
Domestic Abuse / Violence Police Scotland Tel: 101 (or 999 if emergency)